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The Power of Connection: How Shared Workspaces Can Combat Loneliness for Freelancers

This is a guest post by Lily Meyers, a freelance creative copywriter with a flair and focus on business who contributes regularly to The Writers Diary.

How Shared Workspaces Can Combat Loneliness for Freelancers

A freelance career can offer many advantages, from the luxury of working remotely to the autonomy of setting your own hours.

But one drawback is often overlooked: the loneliness of working in relative isolation. Freelancers sometimes experience social disconnection. The lack of a communal workspace or team combined with prolonged periods of solo time can easily kill your motivation, leading to low moods, decreased productivity, and a host of other consequences — including burnout. In short: It can be hard on your well being.

To combat the loneliness of freelancing, many solopreneurs have turned to shared workspaces to connect. Coworking can offer a sense of community and normalcy, imitating some of the office perks freelancers typically miss out on. In this article, we’ll explore the power of connection in shared workspaces and how they effectively address the issue of loneliness.

The Rise of Shared Workspaces

The popularity of shared workspaces has grown alongside the ballooning population of freelancers and remote workers. These collaborative environments give freelancers the opportunity to work alongside like-minded people and foster community. With a flexible working space to frequent, freelancers get much-needed facetime with other freelancers. They can network, build relationships, and get the benefits of a traditional workplace without all the traditional expectations. These spaces not only provide a dedicated working area, but they often include amenities and resources that enhance productivity and overall happiness, like private booths for calls, office snacks, social events, and more.

Building a Supportive Community

One of the key advantages of any workspace is the ease of making connections in person. It’s much easier to form friendships at work when you’re bumping into your colleagues every day — and you already have your employer in common. Small talk: Check.

For freelancers, it tends to be much tougher. Building a community requires consistent effort and intention, like reaching out to people you barely know and asking them to meet over Zoom, or inviting a fellow freelancer to grab coffee. While some freelancers are super skilled at networking in this way, most don’t have the energy or desire to put themselves out there that much. Fortunately, shared workspaces can do a good deal of that work for you, inviting you into a supportive community instead of requiring you to build your own on top of managing a business.

Coworking helps freelancers connect with people who share similar work experiences, challenges, and goals. This shared understanding creates an environment of belonging. Freelancers can offer and get advice, share their work, and even collaborate on projects. And by being part of a community, they gain the support and camaraderie that is so critical to feeling happy at work.

Networking Opportunities

Shared workspaces are a hotbed for networking opportunities too. Freelancers can grow their network each day by rubbing shoulders with diverse professionals from a wide variety of industries. This exposure not only opens doors to potential collaborations and partnerships, but it facilitates learning and skill-sharing. Socialising within a shared workspace gives freelancers access to a broader pool of expertise and resources, which naturally opens up more opportunities for growth.

Work-Life Balance

Many freelancers who work from home struggle to draw clear boundaries between their personal and professional lives. After all, your desk is still there during your off hours. Having a dedicated working area outside your home can offer structure and help freelancers build a healthier work-life balance. With a desk, designated break spaces, and organized events, it’s easier to separate your work life from your personal life, which in turn improves your mood and reduces the negative impacts of stress and isolation.

Shared workspaces have emerged as an awesome solution for building connections within the freelance community. These spaces are bringing talented people together and transforming the face of work. By offering an environment that encourages face-to-face interaction, shared workspaces empower freelancers to build support systems that sustain their businesses and their wellbeing. As the freelance economy continues to flourish, shared workspaces will play an increasingly critical role in the future of work as a whole.

If you’re unsure if a shared workspace would help boost your mood and productivity, try easing in by getting out of the house one day a week. If you feel that boost in energy and love it, you can add from there.



About the AuthorLily Meyers is a creative freelance copywriter with a flair and focus on business. When she’s not out and about chasing her dog, you can find her typing away at her desk and contributing content to The Writers Diary.

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