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42 Freelancers to Follow on Twitter Today

Having a thriving community can make all the difference as a freelancer. When you put time and energy into building your network, it can reward you tenfold. The freelancers you connect with and learn from are experiencing the same highs and lows as you. They can comfort you on the tough days, inspire you on the best days, and swap notes and funny stories in between.

Since Twitter is such a thriving spot to connect with other freelancers, we thought we’d give you a starting list of awesome humans to follow. These people are tweeting about freelancing on the reg, and we’ve learned a ton just from following them.

Follow these awesome freelancers on Twitter for tips, ideas, and real-talk about freelance life!

1. Nia Gyant (@optimized3x) tweets about freelancing and how to create effective messaging for your business and your clients.

2. Kat Boogaard (@kat_boogaard) tweets about freelance tips and resources. She offers a weekly newsletter with job leads and great content to help you expand your business.

3. Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) tweets about how to write well and freelance smarter. She specializes in writing for retail, eCommerce, and related SaaS, and offers content team scaling consulting services.

4. Emma Siemasko (@EmmaFayeS) writes about managing a freelance business, and helps brands “tell real stories from real people.” She creates case studies, long-form content, and web copy, in addition to coaching freelance writers.

5. Matthew Gattozzi (@MatthewGattozzi) tweets about content, social media, and his life as an entrepreneur. He creates photo and video content for direct-to-consumer brands.

6. Codi Johnson (@Codishaa) tweets about social media marketing and helps small business owners and entrepreneurs elevate their social media strategy.

7. Tom Basgil (@TomBasgil) tweets about social media, lead gen, and freelancing insights. He helps “regular folks become successful freelancers,” offering social media freelance services.

8. Rosemary Egbo (@rosemaryegbo) tweets about content creation and how to write well. As a content writer and strategist, she creates and distributes content to help businesses grow.

9. Kaitlyn Arford (@kaitarford) tweets about publishing and writing and her life as an award-winning freelance journalist.

10. Sara Beam (@itssarabeam) tweets about CRM design and sales enablement, and helps companies strengthen their customer relationship management processes as a CRM consultant.

11. Meira Gebel (@MeiraGebel) tweets about how to get started and make money as a freelancer. She helps freelancers get paid through OutVoice Pay, which offers payment solutions for publishers and the freelancers they hire.

12. Chauntelle JN LEwis (@cjnlewis_) tweets about Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), corporate culture, and community, and works as a D&I consultant and Inclusive Communities Manager.

13. Allison Grinberg-Funes (@agracefulgrin) tweets about web and UX writing, marketing, and novels, and works as a freelance writer and “idea catalyst.”

14. Laura Smith (@ellastcomms) tweets about copywriting and branding, and offers freelance copywriting services, including charity copywriting, small business copywriting, branding, and a copywriting course.

15. Masooma Memon (@inkandcopy) tweets about her journey as a freelancer, and works as a freelance writer for B2B SaaS companies.

16. Brooklin Nash (@realBrookNash) tweets about content marketing and creates “B2B content that WON’T make you sick and kill you.” The tag line should be enough for you to give him a follow.

17. Catherine Jones (@cleanslatecopy) tweets about copywriting, branding, writing, and more, and works as a freelance copywriter, brand strategist, and writing coach, helping you “write your future.”

18. Adrienne Barnes (@AdrienneNakohl) tweets about buyer personas and content strategies, offering freelance content marketing services to businesses.

19. Rachel Vandernick (@VandernickR) tweets about marketing and freelancing and offers digital strategy consulting to beauty, retail, and travel brands.

20. Wudan Yan (@wudanyan) tweets about creating a brighter world for freelancers and works as a freelance journalist, fact-checker, business coach, grant writer, and public speaker.

21. Komal Ahuja (@Komallahuja) tweets about freelancing, writing, and content marketing, working as a freelance writer for B2B SaaS brands.

22. Elise Dopson (@elisedopson) tweets about SaaS content creation, mentors freelancers, runs Help a B2B Writer, and works as a freelance writer for B2B SaaS brands.

23. Michelle Garrett (@PRisUs) tweets about small business marketing, PR, and freelance writing, and works as a freelance writer and PR consultant for B2B tech brands.

24. Tiffany Regaudie (@tregaudie) tweets about health, business, and marketing, and works as a content consultant and writer for brands in these industries.

25. Michael Keenan (@upmostmike) tweets about freelance content writing and is focused on helping other content writer grow their business. He also is half of Peak Freelance, a community for freelance writers.

26. Stefan Palios (@stefanpalios) tweets about how to create sustainable businesses and offers freelancer coaching, courses on growth and sales, and freelance writing services for businesses.

27. Megan Reyes (@megreyes_) tweets about sports marketing, social media, and branding. She is a content creator for sports media and the host of the AMPLIFIED podcast.

28. Alyssa Towns (Swantkoski) (@wordswithalyssa) tweets about productivity, personal growth, and wellness, and works as a freelance writer.

29. Dominic Kent (@DomKent) is a freelance content marketer who regularly shares tips and tricks with other freelancers. Expect everything from grammar suggestions to ways to avoid burnout.

30. Whitney Popa (@whitpopa), in her own words, is focused on building cool brands and raising good humans. She’s also one half of The Coast podcast which highlights freelancers, solopreneurs, and business owners who have chosen to create their own path.

31. Erin Booth (@ErinBoothVA) is a coach and virtual assistant who regularly tweets about how to grow your freelance business and leveraging VAs to do so.

32. Bani Kaur (@banikaur1997) is a content marketing expert that regularly tweets her advice and tips for content marketers, other freelancers, and growing B2B companies.

33. Jenni Gritters (@jenni_gritters) is a business coach for freelance creatives and one half of The Writer’s Co-op. You’ll find us regularly retweeting her posts that focus on empathy and anti-hustle culture.

34. Ankit Vora (@wordsbyankit) tweets about all things content writing and freelance. He’s always RTing and supporting other freelancers who also share marketing insights and ideas.

35. Adrienne Sheares (@AdriSheares) shares everything from social media tips to funny memes and gifs. Follow her for an authentic view of freelancing and running your own biz.

36. Sharanya (@sharanyamanola) tweets about marketing, motherhood, and writing. Follow along for tips, ideas, and funny (relatable!) thoughts on being a mom and a freelancer.

37. Melissa King (@LongLiveMelKing) is a freelance content marketer. She shares her and others’ work openly. (Thanks for the love, Melissa!)

38. Michelle Jackson (@michlovesmoney) tweets about building wealth as a female solopreneur and is the founder of the Michelle is Money Hungry Podcast where she hosts weekly financial conversations that are led with equity.

39. Maria West (@mariabestwest) is a copywriter for parenting brands in e-commerce and tech who tweets about her freelance career and her experience being a mother to her two boys.

40. Ashley Cummings (@ashleyrcummings) shares her wisdom and lessons learned during her 11 years of freelancing on Twitter and in her weekly newsletter. If you’re looking for advice from someone who gets it, give her a follow.

41. Corrie Oberdin (@corrieoberdin) is a social strategist and content developer for organizations that prioritize sustainable social media programs. She’s always RTing and supporting other fellow freelancers.

42. Matthew Fenton (@matthew_fenton) tweets about all things branding and business planning on his personal account, and shares strategies and tips for longevity, balance, and success on his other account, @winningsolo.

Have you followed all of our friends yet? Great. Our job here is done. We hope the next time you log into Twitter, you leave feeling jazzed and inspired by all the awesome humans filling your feed.


About the AuthorSamantha Anderl is building Harlow to help freelancers find new clients and grow thriving businesses. She's a founder, marketing growth consultant, early-stage investor, and former marketing executive. You can find her yapping on social constantly about freelancing, entrepreneurship, goal-setting, and romanticizing life.

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