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8 Ways to Find Freelance Marketing Jobs

So you’ve started your own freelance business (congrats!) and now you’re looking to land the freelance marketing jobs you need to make you feel cozy, comfy, and safe. Figuring out how to generate new clients, while building your business, and providing for the clients you already have can feel so overwhelming. I know, I’ve been there before.

That’s why I’m putting together this handy list for you. Here’s a big, juicy list of all of the places where we’ve successfully picked up a gig or two, plus the ones we’re seeing our community lean into. Whether you want to look actively for freelance marketing jobs or let opportunities passively come your way (yup, that’s possible), I’ve got you covered!

Whether you want to look actively or let opportunities passively come your way (yup, that’s possible), I’ve got you covered!

Tap Into Your Current Network

Your current network can be a powerful way to find new clients. It became the main source of leads for Andrea and me when we were freelancing. Think deeply through the people you’ve met along the way: previous colleagues, friends from school, and relationships that you’ve already built on social media or at networking events.

Who do you know that would be happy to refer you out and sing your praises? Start here. Let these humans know what you do, and who you’re looking for in a new client.

Build and Nurture New Connections

Building your community and network past your current connections is all about relationship building and nurturing. You can’t expect someone to engage with you once and then recommend or support you. You have to put in a little work along the way and nurture those connections. The goal is to find and engage freelance friends that you want to stay in touch with, that you want to root for, and who will root for you in return.

Here are a few ways to give, in order to receive:

Be Their Cheerleaders

How often do you celebrate the people in your network for their wins? This can be as easy as sharing their content on social media or commenting on their posts authentically and regularly. This is about truly building relationships—not staying connected to get referrals.

Think of this as an opportunity to cultivate authentic connections that are both fulfilling (for you and them) and help keep you top of mind for any freelance marketing jobs they might come across.

Be a Connector

Are you recommending freelancers in your network when you see opportunities? If an opportunity comes across your screen, or you see someone posting on social media about a gig, and it’s not for you—recommend someone you know. You have to give in order to get!

Search Online Job Boards and Marketplaces

When you’re active on freelance job boards and marketplaces, like UpWork or ProBlogger, you can browse around for gigs that companies are currently hiring for. While these websites make it easy to find available gigs, they can also be competitive. Many of the jobs have a large pool of applicants, not to mention a lot of people price their services at a lower rate than average.

If you’re someone who charges an above-average rate, it might be difficult to actually land a project that is a good fit. Does this make it impossible? Absolutely not! It just means it might be a little harder to land the freelance marketing jobs you’re really excited about.

Because of the vast number of opportunities on these job boards, it’s definitely worth browsing and creating accounts on a few sites to see what’s available and put yourself out there. You can start by browsing our curated list of freelance marketplaces and job boards.

Post Your Resume on Job Sites

Job websites like Indeed allow you to post your resume for companies to find when searching for potential candidates. This allows companies to invite certain people to interview rather than waiting for applicants to roll in—and it allows you to get in front of those companies during the early stages of sourcing candidates. (#ideal)

Check out this resume on Indeed. Notice how you can add skills and links to previous work. You can also specify certifications, languages, groups, and preferences for hours, pay, and location. You can also specify the type of work you’re looking for, like contract or part-time. The key is to set your resume to “public,” which you can do when uploading, so potential clients can find you.

If you want to stay open to opportunities but don’t have time to actively search for new freelance marketing jobs, this is a great option. If nothing comes of it, no big deal. If something does, then that’s a bonus!

Ask for Referrals From Past and Current Clients

Past and current clients have always been amazing sources of referrals for Andrea and I. We’ve found that if we do great work (which we know you do!) and simply ask for the referral, the answer is often a quick yes.

It can be nerve-wracking to ask for a referral, but a simple email can be all it takes to get connected to a new potential client. Here’s a template you can use:

Hey Brian,

It’s been great working with you these past few months. I so appreciate your prompt communication and openness to new ideas. I’m taking on some new clients in the next few months and I was wondering if you know of anyone who might be looking for support with their marketing.

I would appreciate any ideas or leads you’re able to share.

Thank you!

Make Time for Cold Outreach

Do you have specific clients you want to work with? Cold emailing is a great way to pitch yourself actively, rather than waiting for whatever comes to you. Social media and email are two great channels to use, but to be truly effective, keep these important tips in mind:

  • Use a tool like Clearbit Connect to find the right person to reach out to if you don’t already know who you should be touching base with.
  • Keep track of your outreach in a spreadsheet so you know who you reached out to and when.
  • Don’t forget about the follow-up! There ain’t no shame in the follow-up game. Feel free to send weekly follow-ups until someone gives you a direct no.

Here are two templates you can use for your next cold email or DM:

Social media:

Hey, Non-Profit Digital!

I love your mission and that you support non-profits through marketing. They have an important message that needs to be heard and so often lack the resources needed to get it out there.

I’m a social media marketer and specialize in working with non-profits to amplify their message and generate donations through Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Here’s a link to some of my most recent work [insert portfolio link].

Do you need any help with this?

Thanks in advance!


Hey Julie!

I love what Business Among Moms is doing! As a mompreneur myself, I have seen and experienced the power of community more than ever before in my life—and am so grateful for it. I love that you provide that community while also empowering mompreneurs to grow their businesses!

I was hoping to connect with you or your marketing lead on your marketing efforts and where I may be able to support you (email marketing, organic traffic growth, social media, etc.). A little background on me: I’m an organic content marketing consultant and coach. I also host my own podcast (Mindset Reset Radio) and am a published author. I love combining my passion for mindset/personal development and expertise in organic marketing to support female-founded businesses like yours.

Do you need any help with any of this?

Looking forward to your response!

Join a Pre-Vetted Talent Network

Get in front of potential clients by joining websites like Eighteen 4orty or MarketerHire. They work as a matchmaker between pre-vetted freelance talent and companies looking to hire. Once you apply and are accepted, you’re matched with organizations that are looking for someone with the skills and experience you have.

In many cases, once you submit an application, you’ll go through an approval process, some more extensive than others. You’ll likely be asked for samples of previous work, references from past clients, and more. While this can take time to put together, it has the potential to simplify your lead generation process moving forward.

Set a Notification on LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn has become one of the most popular places to search for jobs online—50 million people use this network to search for jobs every week! Even if you don’t actively post on LinkedIn (Reels are so much more fun, right?) you can still use it to find freelance marketing jobs.

It’s easy peasy to set up a LinkedIn job alert so relevant positions get delivered directly to your inbox. Go to and click “Job Alerts” in the box on the top left of the page. This is where you can set your alert. Specify that you’re looking for contract, remote and part-time jobs—and then wait for those opportunities to come rolling in.

Online and In-Person Networking

Networking is the long game when it comes to looking for a job. While it may not result in immediate new work, it’s a smart way to build your funnel and make new connections. The idea: network now for opportunities in the future.

To build these connections, you have to go into each event with an open mind and be willing to have authentic conversations. Instead of going in with the hard sell, which, let’s be honest, is awkward anyway, genuinely make an effort to get to know everyone you meet. It’s all about finding commonality to build a relationship on.

After you’re done with the event, don’t let the connections made go to waste. Giving a quick follow on social or sending a DM to tell them you loved meeting them can go a long way. Bonus tip: ask if you can help them with anything; this offer goes a long way, even if their answer is no.

For offline communities, you can use MeetUp to find local networking events or ask other freelancers in your area. If you want to stick to online communities, check these out:

Now go on out there and find a new gig!

There are so many ways to find freelance marketing jobs, you just have to know where to look. Building a freelance business isn’t easy but there are so many networks, marketplaces, and people out there to help you get that next gig! Use the resources available to you and put yourself out there!

About the AuthorSamantha is co-founder of Harlow. Previously she was a marketing and demand gen freelancer. She enjoys traveling, connecting with new people, spending time with her dog Karl, and throwing back an extra dirty martini every now and then.

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